Gabion Wall

20 Nov.,2023


In a while I intend to build a house. Not sure where, but it'll be made of shipping containers. I'm set on that, and I even found one I like.

I'm tired of being bothered. I want to be left alone, and I'm going to build a wall around it to get the point across. It took me a while to figure out what these things are called; I was trying to look up chicken wire and rubble, but I finally found it.

What I'm figuring is ten feet tall, and round about three feet wide. Let's say for the purposes of analysis that it will be ten feet long. The dimensions might change once I look at what's commonly available; but I'd like to just fill the cages with... Whatever rocks/rubble that can be shunted out there.

Lets assume I have no detritus to fill the cages; starting from scratch.

So, a Gabion wall that's ten feet tall, ten feet long, and three feet wide. How much would one expect to pay for such a thing if he did none of the work himself?

I realize that may need to be altered for stability. I'm just going for the volume calculation here, and it can be rough as hell. It'll be at least a year before I do anything. Probably two.

I'm just curious as to whether or not that's an efficient way to do it. I want the damned thing opaque. Tired of being around people.


For more information gabion box manufacturer, please get in touch with us!